Improving Exam Accessibility

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

As the April 1st beginning of the certification exam year draws near, it’s a good time to look at the progress we’ve made in…


Terminology Management: What You Should Know

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

Terminology management is the process of identifying, 存储, and managing customer, 公司, or product-specific terminology that needs to be translated in a definitive way.…


指导: Get As Much As You Give

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

The following was originally published on Next Level: The ATA Business Practices Blog. This initiative by ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee provides information for…


Profile of ATA’s 2022 学校的永利最新网址 Contest Winner: Aída Carrazco

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

当Aída卡拉斯科, the 2022 ATA 学校的永利最新网址 Contest winner, gave her presentation to her son’s fifth grade class in March 2022, kids were just going back to school after 16 months of studying from home. That meant she faced a unique challenge: students weren’t used to being in the classroom. Aída was determined to make sure she kept their attention by making her presentation extra fun!


Protect Yourself: How to Prevent Lawyers from Blaming You for Depositions Gone Wrong

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

Here are five key tips that, when utilized correctly, will help protect your image as a professional interpreter in front of attorneys and clients.


Interpreting for Infant and Pregnancy Loss

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

Routine obstetric visits are generally predictable and short. 然而, when pregnancy complications arise, medical interpreters need to be prepared to interpret accurately and completely for limited-English-proficient patients in this tragic situation.


What Does “Trans” Mean? Why Does the LGBT Acronym Keep Changing? Why Do I Need to Know this Anyway?

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

The terminology of the LGBTQIA+ community is ever evolving and identities are expanding, so we need to keep up with all the changes. Just as we wouldn’t do an assignment on climate change without researching how to say solar panels or wind farms in our language pairs, neither should we neglect to know the correct LGBTQIA+ terminology for when, 没有如果, we encounter it in our professional lives.


2022 Honors and Awards Recipients

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

ATA and the American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation present annual and biennial awards to encourage, 奖励, and publicize the outstanding work being done by both seasoned professionals and students of our craft.



By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

ATA wishes to thank all our sponsors and exhibitors for helping to make ATA63 such a success! Sponsors Gold Pixelogic Media Partners, LLC……


Call for Nominations: ATA Officers and Directors

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月10日

Do you know someone who would make a good potential candidate for ATA’s 董事会? If so, ATA’s Nominating and Leadership Development Committee would like to hear from you. Any ATA member may make a nomination. Here’s your chance to help shape the future of the Association!


From the Executive Director: A New Year, A New You: Making the Most of Your ATA Membership

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月10日

新年快乐! We have entered a new year, one where new initiatives, 新目标, and new ideas will take shape as the seasons…


From the President-Elect: ATA64: Planning Our Big Reunion in Miami!

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月10日

What a great time we had in Los Angeles at ATA63! It was especially exciting to see that social media and blog posts in…
